A Finite Element Solution for a Class of Island Population Diffusion Model Based on FEPG 基于FEPG的一类岛屿种群繁衍扩散模型的有限元求解
A finite world can support only a finite population; 有限的世界只能养活有限的人口;
Estimation for Finite Population Based on Superpopulation Models 有限总体的估计&基于超总体模型
The model of the base station of wireless networks is built based on the finite user population discrete time delay and loss system. 利用有限用户离散时间混合消失系统对无线通信系统中基站进行建模。
Admissible Estimation for Finite Population When the Parameter Space is Restricted 参数空间被限制时有限总体的可容许估计
Estimation for finite population under superpopulation models: a survey 超总体模型下有限总体的估计
A Sample Survey Method and the Variance of the Estimate on the Sensitive Question of the Finite Population 有限总体下敏感性问题的抽样调查方法与误差估计
Analytical model for M| G| 1 queueing system with finite population 有限总体M|G|1排队系统的解析模型
This paper proposes a finite mixture model of heterogeneous population. Bayesian estimates of type ⅰ/ ⅱ censored test with one/ two-sample are made for the model; 基于一类异族分布的混合寿命模型,给出了在一/二组样本下的Ⅰ/Ⅱ型截尾试验下的贝叶斯密度估计方法;
Abstract In this paper, we established basic methods and theories of multivariate sampling and proved the central limit theorem, this is the theoretical foundation of statistical inference in multivariate finite population. 较系统地建立了多元抽样的基本理论和方法。证明了多元有限总体样本的中心极限定理,这是多元有限总体抽样统计推断的理论基础。
Finite rate of increase(λ) were above 1, which showed the melon fly laboratory population reared on three host fruits all positively increased. 周限增长率(λ)均大于1,说明瓜实蝇的种群为正增长。
Random Weighting Approximation for Distribution of Sample Mean in One-dimensional Finite Population 一元有限总体样本均值分布的随机加权逼近
Incomplete sample estimation of finite population mean 有限总体均值的缺损样本估计
A PPS Sampling Method of Multivariate Finite Population 多元有限总体的PPS抽样方法
Finite Population Correction with the Unrepeatable Sampling 不重复抽样方式下的有限总体修正系数
Finite mixture model is a flexible and powerful tool for analyzing complicated phenomena, which provide an efficient method of simulating complicated density with simple structures and present a natural frame and semi-parameter structure of modeling unobserved population homogeneity and heterogeneity. 有限混合模型是分析复杂现象的一个灵活而强有力的建模工具,它提供了用简单结构模拟复杂密度的一个有效方法,给出了模拟同质性和异质性的一个自然框架和半参数结构。
Influence statistic for QR predictor in finite population 有限总体QR-型予测的影响统计量
Dynamical Behavior of Genetic Algorithms with Finite Population Group Dates 有限群体遗传算法的动力性
It gives the conditions for β-extinction 、 β-persistence and extinction in finite time, and the maximal harvesting rate when the population is β-persistence is obtained. 给出了种群β-绝灭、β-生存及在有限时间内零绝灭的条件,并得到了保证种群β-生存的最大收获率。
Conditional Optimal Prediction in Finite Population 有限总体中的条件最优线性无偏预测
A Simulation Study on Probability Distribution of Gene Frequency in Finite Population 有限群体中基因频率概率分布的模拟实验
According to the concept of finite population evolutionarily stable strategy ( ESS), we present the result that the finite population evolutionarily stable strategy output is equal to the competitive output in each group of the firms. 应用演化博弈论的有限种群演化稳定战略概念,证明了有限种群的演化稳定战略产量分别等于两组(种群)企业的竞争产量。
Improving methods to calculate estimator minimum variance of the finite population mean 总体均值估计量最小方差的改进
This paper studied a sample survey method on the sensitive question of the finite population through the unrelated question randomized response technique suggested by Horvitz and Simmons. 利用霍维茨&西蒙斯的无关问题的方法,讨论了有限总体下敏感性问题的抽样调查方法以及利用这种方法所得出的估计量。
Cultured cells lose the ability of DNA synthesis, mitosis, and finally the ability of cell proliferation after they have undergone a finite number of population doublings in vitro, though the cells still maintain the basic metabolic process. 体外连续培养的细胞在有限次数的细胞分裂后,丧失合成DNA及分裂的能力,最后导致增殖能力的丧失,但基本代谢过程仍能维持,这种现象称为复制衰老。
Finite population linear prediction with multivariate auxiliary information 具有多元辅助信息的有限总体的线性预测
The global constringency of the algorithm is proved based finite population. 论文证明了该算法在种群规模有限的条件下的全局迭代收敛性。